Sunday, July 11, 2010

See the champions..take the field now :)

Hey pals.

A fun filled colourful month marked by cheers,passion,emotions,celebrations and the entertainment of the highest order(read football) laden with the intermittent ballads of "Waka waka" and the beutiful,high spirited "waving your flag"..finally culminates today. :(

I was supporting Germany.(just because I supported them last 2 worldcups :) )
It was one of the youngest teams of the worldcup and without their captain "der feurer" Michael Ballack.
Even though Germany enjoys being considered as one of the most formidable contenders in every worldcup,not much was expected from this young inexperienced and to some extent Ballack-handicapped team.They were clearly the dark horses.

But they did well.Extraordinarily well.
Right from the match 1 they provided a plenitude of team play,lethally efficient counter attacks and most importantly a feast of goals.A slight glitch could have been the only blemish(Against Serbia) till Spain ended their glorious journey.
Though the third place win is always disconsolating,everybody enjoyed their unconvetional flamboyant game.

But at the end,like a true frustrated Indian sports fan I couldn't help mulling over India's chances of getting into competitions of such level.(WC,olympics)
Is it even realistic??...if yes the how long...10 yrs?? 100?? ever??...
Following are what I think could be the excuses.

We are not genetically stronger.We lack that sort of physique required at this level.
(Then how did Japan/Korea/China qualify.Whose average height and built is definitely shyer than most of the Indian population)

We lack the necessary infrastructure and funding required for the game of football.
(What about the poor underdeveloped African countries which make into worldcup.That too bearing some of the toughest competition in the world)

Football is not popular here.
(That might have been case few years back but not now definitely.With the increasing popularity of the EPL much of the youth are turning to football.
And as per the status quo football is anything But not popular in India.)

Cricket influence
(Now this is valid.One of the only outdoor sports which demands very little athleticism,fitness levels etc compared to other sports.Hence no wonder we are good at it.)

(Spot on.Most of the control boards for sports in India are under some or the other misisters who lack the knowledge/experience/expertise except greed for that sport.For apparent reason.
No remedy for this other than the Utopian solution of flushing them all into toilet..)

We cant have quality players of the international level.
(I dont believe this...)

So summing it up,between India and the FIFA world cup lies an eternity.
But I am optimistic.Just want to cheer for our country in football world cup atleast once in my life time.

I know the above analysis was really not required in this mood but cant help it. lol

Also this world cup was further spiced by a certain 8-legged creature with psychic powers AKA Paul who picks his meal from the box labelled with the flag of a country which would supposedly win.Its really hilarious how people can come up with such stuff.Nevertheless he got all his predictions correct for this world cup.However ridiculous this affair sounds it did provide a different flavor of excitement.Obviously looking at his popularity other creatures from around the world had to show off their talents. (the parrots..the alligators)

It was a mini world cup of words on social networking sites as well..Esp facebook.
Will miss those squabbles.Putting on Inflamatory status on facebook...the debates....mocking other teams etc was superbly entertaining. :(

But then all the good things are short lived.Lets hope the Final today perfecty climaxes and bids Adieu to this colourful world cup of the most beutiful game in the world and lets hope the coming 4 yrs gallop along fast.

See ya.

PS: Neither supporting Spain nor Dutch today.Just hoping for a quality game.Hopefully going till the penalties.

PS 2: Ok.Had to edit the post after the final.It was as fierce as expected.And thankfully not at all disappointing.The match was showered with the confetti of yellow cards :D
I would have loved it to go till the penalties.
Anyways props for Spain!!The best team won.Although we would have prefered them to be not so mingy about the total number of the goals scored.(Seeing at the quality of the players they possess).Hard luck Oranje.

PS 3: Good news for us German fans as well.Thomas Muller deservedly got the prestigious Golden Boot for having scored 5 crucial goals and 3 assists.Hail Deutschland. :)