Saturday, December 31, 2011

From 2012 into the nineties..

Wassdssfspp pplzz???

First of all a very happy new year.It has been a great year.Besides, nobody cares whether a glass is half full or half empty as long as you know that someone gonna refill the empty half.Hope this year turns to be that benign re-filler and more awesomer than 2011. :)

Even though I had decided not to entertain my thoughts on blog I had to defer.The blog is dying and nothing writable comes to mind these days.Besides,its new years eve and I am stuck here, like 2000 freaking km away from my home.And I am frustrated. :(

But as they say, nostalgia is a refuge of a homesick(fine I said that!!), I chose to reminisce about the 90's I grew up in, and write a post about it.This also came from the chain-youtube-links-clicking about the programs, songs, movies etc from that which I stumbled across somehow.
Frankly, the tone would resemble that of a grandfather telling his grandsons about his childhood...But that's not exactly it and I am sure there are many who would be able to relate to it.

Me and many of the other people of the 90's generation are lucky to have been blessed with this simple yet completely fulfilling entertainment for a sufficient long time while growing up so as to carry and cherish the memories of it forever.

The only real connection to the pixel/digital world (literally) was the video game.Again it was not everyday afair.Most of the times it used to require permission from parents..and only dad knew how to connect it.
I enjoyed playing those low res, cheap graphics games with my friends more than almost any game I played on my pc/playstation.There was never a save option in any of those games hence finishing the entire game used to earn you a lot of respect.
The theme tunes of Marios, contras etc were like a part of the background music for my childhood. :)

Then there were those awesome programs on dd1.
Those who have grown with the likes of cable tv dish tv tata sky etc would never fathom that there was once a time when 2 channels were more than enough.

I dont know how many will agree but we had our very own potent superhero for a long time in the form of "Shaktimaan".We all were crazy about the show.I used to come home early running from school just to catch those last few mins.It may seem a pretty lame program now but that time it ruled the heart of every kid who was a wannabe shaktimaan.
Saturdays were favorite as there was a cushion of Sunday after that.A typical Sunday used to start with waking up with the tune of Rangoli..It seems funny now but now that I think of it, I almost never got to actually watch that show.
The painful realization of the school the next day, was associated with the ending credit sequence of Surabhi.I disliked Sundays.I still do.

It would take a separate blog post to talk about each and every legendary program on dd1.I would write on that someday...Tahekikaat, Alif Laila, Marshal, All the Best, chandrakanta, Ek se badhkar ek (it used to be very awkward when some "hot" song was played on the program), Nehle pe dehla, srimaan srimaati and on and on and on....Also a lot of DD metro programs.

Watching cricket matches was a lot more entertaining affair then.They used to be watched in groups, with your cricket buddies, family etc.It used to generate that level of interest.

How many times it happens now, that you surf through the entire package of channels provided by your dish tvs and the TATA skys and find absolutely nothing worthwhile to watch...
May be it was fun then because the concept of channel surfin hardly existed.All you needed remote was for volume and switching off.May be when you don't have so many options, or rather not aware about them, that you start valuing what you have.

The only time when I used to really mooch off the cable tv was at my cousin's in Pune in summer vacations.It was the time when almost every cartoon on cartoon network was superb.Hardly any other channel got watched.
And ya, how can I forget WWF (it was called that then).The intense discussions with my cousin that followed after the major bouts and speculations about whether the good guy will conquer the bad ones were an essential part of being a fan.
There was once some signal interruption when it was aired briefly on our tv.It was like find a pot of gold.The joy was short-lived ofcourse...

The world has taken leaps and bounds from that period.It can never relapse to those golden times again (golden for my generation).And yet still I lose myself every time I came across a familiar tv show...a familiar tune and keep following the link after link..It provides me a brief errand into that awesome growing-up hour or so goes past like anything...when I finally close the youtube, remove my headphones...I look at my laptop..I look at the facebook page opened on it..I look at the mindless updates people posted compulsively....I look at my smartphone....I look at the hefty bill at dominoes lying side by...

Suddenly they all make very little sense...they all seem redundant for some unwanted guests in my nostalgia.....until the effect finally wears off....and I join back the fellow zombies on facebook...

~Wanted to write much more but attention span issues are there.
~Pardon typos,grammatical errors,spelling errors..seriously too bored to recheck and correct.


  1. Am guessing the last line is your resolution for 2012 :) Cartoon network days were so short lived, it seems to be a distant dream now. Those were the days when 2 hours of cartoons a day used to garner gasps from every person who stumbled upon that fact :P
