Thursday, April 29, 2010

Falling into place

Hi guys.
My poetic glands misfuntioned and here I have a new poem. :p

There comes a point in everyone's life when nothing seems to go right.Everything happens the way you dont want it to be.The luck becomes your arch enemy.You feel exasperated.Like it will never get mended.

Then again we always come across someone who can always empathise with you.Who knows exactly what you are going through,who can step in you shoes.Who has the power to console and comfort you.

This poem is supposedly narrated by one such person(consoler) to his consolee :p

Speaking of this poem,I had come up with few more stanzas I wanted to add.But I restrained myself lest it should overkill the subject.

The dotted lines is the moment of silence before the poem switches into happy gear.(Atleast assume so..hehe)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Hey there,finally found you
Your eyes sad,spirits twirled
Can you please tell me why
You've shunned yourself from the world

Dont torture yourself
They are not worth that
Why didnt you tell me before
Didn't I listen even when you wept

Ill wipe your tears
like the last time you cried a river
Dont worry am again here
as your personal pacifier

I will heal you
I will soothe you
can you believe me once more
Like you've always did

After all the mourning
Those eyes deserve some respite
Let go the bitterness
Let go the spite

Yes,sometime the day hates you
The world becomes enemy sometime
when everything is bleak
and nothing seems to rhyme

Just hold you patience and bid your time
We are alright..we will move on
Why do you feel lonely
when you have a shoulder to cry on


And then her eyes slowly livened
The glimmer subtley came back
Her ever so charming ear-to-ear smile
Which was once contortingly held back

Look around,above your gloom
The beautiful world is ever-ready to embrace
Things always fall into place
Things always fall into place


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wanted - Humanity.

Hello again,good people.

When in office one of the lifelines to keep oneself alive is the email forwards.
Generally you read them and shift-delete.(thanks to the oversmall mailbox)
However there are some which home your mind.Sometimes in a pleasant manner..sometimes in contorting.

I received one such fwd today.
The email was about a certain French dish "foie gras" known for its delicacy among the gourmets.To describe the dish crudely,its nothing but a fattened liver of a goose.
If that doesnt sound repulsive enough Ill just quote few excerpts from the mail.The preparation of this "recipe".(I dont even have to post the even more disturbing pics)

For complete info.

..this dish comes from FORCE FEEDING a goose to make them develope FATTY LIVER DISEASE. The geese are forced to eat.. Even if it does not desire to The metal pipe pass through the throat to stomach ...even if it does not want to eat anythingTo make the liver bigger and fatter.Cages are very small and they force the geese to stay in one position to avoid using energy, thus converting all food into fat.
Their legs were bloated from long standing everyday. No need to sleep because they will be caught to eat again.Although they try to defend themselves But it is useless. They are forced to eat until they are dead or their bodies cant stand with this The left who survive have crapped to be inflamed asses...blood easily come up with the shit Not only mouth hurt, throat hurt , all time stomach ache from the food , Fat to bloated legs , no sleep , no excercise But also no free movement for life to see the sky or river......

Did you feel anything...did you feel you heart twitch a little..Did you feel like this is something you'll have a hard time least I felt so.
The acts of animal cruelty for personal enjoyment aren't new.Canadian Seal huntings,dolphin slaughtering..the list goes on.Each one surpasses the other in terms of cruelty and barbarism.
Standing proudly at the top of the food chain,man is becoming more animal than any other.

Let me clarify I have no prejudice against any non-vegetarian.I am rational enough to understand that everyone of us has his own ideas of morality.There are lots of cultural,moral,ethical factors that makes or changes someone to veg/nonveg.My grievance is against those who doesnt care anything about from where their food comes.Eventhough I opine that no animal is entitled to provide its pound of flesh for our sake,I dont expect what I feel about eating a once-living being,to be felt by them.
But then there is a line that needs to be drawn(Like the case above).At some point you need to unprioritize your taste buds over conscience.

When the other living beings are treated like sacs of food or rather they are "manufactured",overfed just to increase the "matter" inside them theirby increasing their "Taste" value..wouldn't it sound obnoxious if we associate the quoted words with human beings?Would you be able to eat such food which was once living,whose innards have been carefully fattened to the size many folds than the original through all those abject means just so that it tastes better.

If you can, well....we need to fear from your lot.

For the rest of the sane people out there(non vegetarians included),something needs to be done against this.This is something which is not correct.This does not belong to our world.

Please raise your voice whenever the animals are being ill-treated as and when you can.For non-veggies please make sure that your meat comes from place where the animals are killed in a humane way.

And the bon vivants of this particular dish,please Take a min of contemplation before beginning your feast.Ask yourself had you winessed its preparation would you still be able to eat it.This savagery will stop only if you stop.

Lets keep the humanity intact atleast on this front.

Bon Appetit.Regards.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Played it till my fingers bled ♫ ♫

Hey folks

Good news.No poetry this time.
Bad news.I still compose. ;)

Anyway today I want to share something else with you.I celebrated a unique anniversary today.
Exactly one year ago,I acquainted myself with a certain 6-stringed instrument aka Guitar.

So whats special about someone completing an year playing guitar you ask...unless that someone is to-be-hendrix or so.Well nothing really...I just wanted some activity on my blog..just kidding
On serious note I always wanted to write down the role guitar played in my life and this seemed like an auspicious occasion to do so :p

So lemme begin.

The word "Passion" is used or rather overused so much that it has almost lost his meaning.
Pertaining to its original meaning,I never had a "passion" towards anything(or anyone :p) specific in life.
There were interests...there were brief periods of obsessions but never a passion.Not until I started playing guitar.

Then recently I shifted to Mumbai for job.And committed my self to the classic IT job routine.
It finally got to me.Something needed to be done.
I always wanted to learn atleast one musical instrument.I remember I had joined tabla classes.
My attention span existed for exactly 2 was terribly boring. lol
But then I liked guitar..Loved its sound.And had always aspired learning it.

so One fine day I woke up and ended up enrolling for a local guitar class at the EOD.
And then the amazing acoustically musical journey began :)
Like always it began slow...with many bumps(I am refering to the snappish remarks by my tutor on not playing something correctly :p)
But I din't mind it.Somehow at no point of time I felt discouraged by that.
I tried to learn new techniques/songs etc from internet/youtube or any other source I could find.
It was very difficult at first but I held on to it.
And it paid off.As the time went I slowly started getting better at it.Ear started getting trained.
Everything slowly became easier.I could complete the pieces faster and better.
That, and encouragements and praises from my tutor time and again became some of the factors that kept me hooked to this venture.

I am very very allergic to matter what I do,the monotony some how creeps her way into it and then I lose interest.
and yet somehow the zeal with which I had started learning guitar never died a bit.
At the end of one year if anything,it has become two fold.
It amazes me sometimes..what made me devote 3 hrs of my weekend(after a hectic week) towards learning guitar.
Things happen for a reason.
sometimes I wish I had started learning it bit early.But then everything comes with a right place and right time stamped on it.So no regrets. :)

What so special about guitar you ask(or any other musical instrument for that matter).
Well let me put it this way.
Listening to your favorite song/artist is one thing...and embellishing that melody on guitar yourself,actually playing it verbatim note to note is whole another.Trust me the feeling you get...its salvation :)
If you think I am exaggerating it ask someone who has just learned Hotel california..He will vouch for me ;)

When I think about the goals(pertaining to guitar) in the hindsight....
I want to perform someday.I want to have the crowd to go crazy when I play the classic bass intro of master of puppets.I want to be in a band as a lead guitarist. :)
Dont know when all of thats gonna happen.But I am optimistic.
I aspire to be a musician.Its my dream job(job not as in you do something and you get money :p).
But I surerly know that this is something that would never bore me.I want to keep learning as long as I can.As there is so much to be learnt.So much to be played.

I will have to insert a disclaimer here.
I am no virtuoso or a child prodigy.Not by a long shot.I am not even quarterway there.(incase my big talks giving you such impression :p)
I am just a decent player who likes what he plays.
But then if someone asks me what are you good at..
I can confidently say I can play guitar well(I wouldnt have come up with anything an year ago).Or rather I can play guitar better than any thing I can do.And I like the way it is :)

Anyway just wanted to convey what my guitar means to me.
If at any point I sounded like I am bragging,please blame it on my amateur wordage..(I am still learning to be articulate..remember?) :)
I have to thank my roommates specially for being tolerant towards my guitar
(sometimes I play at 11-12,as thats when I reach home).Not to mention my always supporting parents.

I dont believe I ended up writing this much..hope you enjoy atleast some of

So (clichéd)morale of the story....Just follow your interests/hobbies.Hone them as and when you can.
You will just never know when have found you forte.Trust me,its the colour you would want to add to your life :p
Then again it depends.we can never run outta excuses for not doing that.I myself was like that until the monotony changed me :P

So Adios.

PS: \m/ Rock on \m/

PS 2: \m/ Rock on some more \m/

*****PS 3*****: I am happy to announce that I got into IIMC music band (JBS BaroC) which happens to be one of the oldest college bands.I sang and played "O sanam" and played some intros during audition...There is no way to describe how I am feeling right now.. :)
It a dream come true...The biggest one :)


Friday, April 23, 2010

The Unhappy Birthday

Hey paisans.

Well No intros this time around.I guess,rather hope that the poem is explainatory enough.
Just a note that I only partially share the sentiments.Its for someone who does fully.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

While they cheered happy b'day
All of a sudden it was subtley unclear
Couldn't rationalise the celebration
for growing older by one year

Stood there blank,accepting the wishes
the handshakes and the gifts from all
I dont wanna cross that childhood wall
Just don't wanna cross that childhood wall

And it was always
for a stroll in the memory lane
The fragrance of nostalgia surrounding
just like that of soil after the first rain

I recollect how it was back then
to have no responsibilities
Future career roles duties
were nothing but banalities

Please show me the positivity
The happiness you'd promised
tired of the errands in the past
spirits dim excitement deceased

Else please take me back
back to when I was small
sure I can sacrifice my maturity
I dont wanna cross that childhood wall

I wanna come with you
Lets leave this timeframe once and for all
I dont wanna cross that childhood wall
Just don't wanna cross that childhood wall

Me...a Cynisarcastic.

Yo amigos.

Congratulations on surviving my last poem. :p
But the predicament is not over.

The same day I wrote one more.This one was kinda easy to write as there are no flowery glittering words(save the ostentatious portmanteau title..).
Also this time I did not concentrate a lot on rhyming but rather the feel.

About the theme..well though the subject is favorite and well suited for a poem,I could actually finish it partly because of my personal experience...enough said :)

So there..enjoy.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Contemplating over the journey
from the first "Hi" to the final "Bye"
It was a dream fall from the heaven
to the valley called Lie.

It swept away within a jiffy
Right infornt of my eyes
While it was still hitting me
I couldn't grow tired of the sighs

Went through the Passion play
again and again thinking,
will get used to it eventually
without losing my being

But time is the best medicine they say
It soothes away everything apparently
Learned to identify the glimmers in life
instead of staring into the past vacantly

Then I thought I was comfortably numb
All the wounds finally went mum
The respite was awesome
Days were breezy and enjoying were some

I was in my blissful amnesia
Until the stimuli hit me again
Every stitch detached itself
Every wound opened again

Will I recuperate,Will I heal
never mind,a rhetorical and a cliche..
And yet again after narrating my melodrama
I Sardonically gave myself a touché.

Thanks (and Sob..hehe)

Hey it rhymed....

Hey guys.

The other day I was sitting in my chair doing some exponentially sad work....and I somehow ended up writing a poetry.(hence frustration begets poetry)

So basically it is based upon the one of my favourite game ie Max Payne.
What impressed me the most about the game was its dark,metaphore-laden and yet soulful script.
Anyway lemme not stretch the intro too much.Basically its a one man's battle against mafia,whose wife and daughter are murdered.Max Payne is the antagonist here looking for answers.....There would have come a point when he must have felt like letting it go.The poem is about that.
Thanks to my friend Sushmita for proof-reading it,not falling asleep and encouraing me.(and still being my friend :p)

I know the tone of the poem is very stereotypically punk.But my first attempt so bear it :)

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Max Payne...the reprise.

Walking relentlessly in the metaphorical labyrith
with a map in hand
Written in the ink of irony
I felt like I am a man of no land.

Was it a dream sequence
was it a sigh of my tired mind
I wondered,foundered
Groping in the caustic a blind.

When the only thing that filled the deafening silences
were the monotonous drones..
There were no colours..only black and may be some white.
The silences even muted my grones.

Was it really worth it..could I let it go
No said the mind,its just a lie
It was like a dream in which you fall
and wake up just before you die

I did reach the end of the tunnel
following the proverbial light
It was a dead end with few bats flying at my face.
Leaving me smothered with my plight


I dare.(Blog)


Setting up a blog wasn't an arcane task after all.(Took me like 10 min,9 of which spent in thinking of a fancy name and title.

So why set up a blog all of a sudden...!!

One of the traits I always coveted was being articulate in my talking,writing whatever.The talking part was bit difficult because of my reserved non-talkative nature. :)
But then I could chat a lot more than I talk.(a métier of a Classic introvert)
So thought of trying this venture in the hope that someday I could transcribe my thoughts
perfectly into words.
Secondly I am very bored of my work.So I need something(as there is no "someone") to keep me involved in office..Hence this literary respite.

Pheew..The first post was tiring enough.I could feel a drop or two of sweat on my temples and a lot of redundancy already in my post. :)
But then I have to start somewhere.

So lemme cut the trite intro and welcome myself here.Cheers :)

Disclaimer := Everything(spelling/grammatical mistakes) except puns are unintended :)