Sunday, April 25, 2010

Played it till my fingers bled ♫ ♫

Hey folks

Good news.No poetry this time.
Bad news.I still compose. ;)

Anyway today I want to share something else with you.I celebrated a unique anniversary today.
Exactly one year ago,I acquainted myself with a certain 6-stringed instrument aka Guitar.

So whats special about someone completing an year playing guitar you ask...unless that someone is to-be-hendrix or so.Well nothing really...I just wanted some activity on my blog..just kidding
On serious note I always wanted to write down the role guitar played in my life and this seemed like an auspicious occasion to do so :p

So lemme begin.

The word "Passion" is used or rather overused so much that it has almost lost his meaning.
Pertaining to its original meaning,I never had a "passion" towards anything(or anyone :p) specific in life.
There were interests...there were brief periods of obsessions but never a passion.Not until I started playing guitar.

Then recently I shifted to Mumbai for job.And committed my self to the classic IT job routine.
It finally got to me.Something needed to be done.
I always wanted to learn atleast one musical instrument.I remember I had joined tabla classes.
My attention span existed for exactly 2 was terribly boring. lol
But then I liked guitar..Loved its sound.And had always aspired learning it.

so One fine day I woke up and ended up enrolling for a local guitar class at the EOD.
And then the amazing acoustically musical journey began :)
Like always it began slow...with many bumps(I am refering to the snappish remarks by my tutor on not playing something correctly :p)
But I din't mind it.Somehow at no point of time I felt discouraged by that.
I tried to learn new techniques/songs etc from internet/youtube or any other source I could find.
It was very difficult at first but I held on to it.
And it paid off.As the time went I slowly started getting better at it.Ear started getting trained.
Everything slowly became easier.I could complete the pieces faster and better.
That, and encouragements and praises from my tutor time and again became some of the factors that kept me hooked to this venture.

I am very very allergic to matter what I do,the monotony some how creeps her way into it and then I lose interest.
and yet somehow the zeal with which I had started learning guitar never died a bit.
At the end of one year if anything,it has become two fold.
It amazes me sometimes..what made me devote 3 hrs of my weekend(after a hectic week) towards learning guitar.
Things happen for a reason.
sometimes I wish I had started learning it bit early.But then everything comes with a right place and right time stamped on it.So no regrets. :)

What so special about guitar you ask(or any other musical instrument for that matter).
Well let me put it this way.
Listening to your favorite song/artist is one thing...and embellishing that melody on guitar yourself,actually playing it verbatim note to note is whole another.Trust me the feeling you get...its salvation :)
If you think I am exaggerating it ask someone who has just learned Hotel california..He will vouch for me ;)

When I think about the goals(pertaining to guitar) in the hindsight....
I want to perform someday.I want to have the crowd to go crazy when I play the classic bass intro of master of puppets.I want to be in a band as a lead guitarist. :)
Dont know when all of thats gonna happen.But I am optimistic.
I aspire to be a musician.Its my dream job(job not as in you do something and you get money :p).
But I surerly know that this is something that would never bore me.I want to keep learning as long as I can.As there is so much to be learnt.So much to be played.

I will have to insert a disclaimer here.
I am no virtuoso or a child prodigy.Not by a long shot.I am not even quarterway there.(incase my big talks giving you such impression :p)
I am just a decent player who likes what he plays.
But then if someone asks me what are you good at..
I can confidently say I can play guitar well(I wouldnt have come up with anything an year ago).Or rather I can play guitar better than any thing I can do.And I like the way it is :)

Anyway just wanted to convey what my guitar means to me.
If at any point I sounded like I am bragging,please blame it on my amateur wordage..(I am still learning to be articulate..remember?) :)
I have to thank my roommates specially for being tolerant towards my guitar
(sometimes I play at 11-12,as thats when I reach home).Not to mention my always supporting parents.

I dont believe I ended up writing this much..hope you enjoy atleast some of

So (clichéd)morale of the story....Just follow your interests/hobbies.Hone them as and when you can.
You will just never know when have found you forte.Trust me,its the colour you would want to add to your life :p
Then again it depends.we can never run outta excuses for not doing that.I myself was like that until the monotony changed me :P

So Adios.

PS: \m/ Rock on \m/

PS 2: \m/ Rock on some more \m/

*****PS 3*****: I am happy to announce that I got into IIMC music band (JBS BaroC) which happens to be one of the oldest college bands.I sang and played "O sanam" and played some intros during audition...There is no way to describe how I am feeling right now.. :)
It a dream come true...The biggest one :)



  1. great article....jus shows hw passionate u r becumin abt kinda showed whn u 1st joined seemd u vl stick to it...n btw i do c u as lead guitarist in team acenture...hope u c it too!!!

  2. Thanks Prina for those encouraging words. :)
