Friday, April 23, 2010

I dare.(Blog)


Setting up a blog wasn't an arcane task after all.(Took me like 10 min,9 of which spent in thinking of a fancy name and title.

So why set up a blog all of a sudden...!!

One of the traits I always coveted was being articulate in my talking,writing whatever.The talking part was bit difficult because of my reserved non-talkative nature. :)
But then I could chat a lot more than I talk.(a métier of a Classic introvert)
So thought of trying this venture in the hope that someday I could transcribe my thoughts
perfectly into words.
Secondly I am very bored of my work.So I need something(as there is no "someone") to keep me involved in office..Hence this literary respite.

Pheew..The first post was tiring enough.I could feel a drop or two of sweat on my temples and a lot of redundancy already in my post. :)
But then I have to start somewhere.

So lemme cut the trite intro and welcome myself here.Cheers :)

Disclaimer := Everything(spelling/grammatical mistakes) except puns are unintended :)

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