Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wanted - Humanity.

Hello again,good people.

When in office one of the lifelines to keep oneself alive is the email forwards.
Generally you read them and shift-delete.(thanks to the oversmall mailbox)
However there are some which home your mind.Sometimes in a pleasant manner..sometimes in contorting.

I received one such fwd today.
The email was about a certain French dish "foie gras" known for its delicacy among the gourmets.To describe the dish crudely,its nothing but a fattened liver of a goose.
If that doesnt sound repulsive enough Ill just quote few excerpts from the mail.The preparation of this "recipe".(I dont even have to post the even more disturbing pics)

For complete info.

..this dish comes from FORCE FEEDING a goose to make them develope FATTY LIVER DISEASE. The geese are forced to eat.. Even if it does not desire to The metal pipe pass through the throat to stomach ...even if it does not want to eat anythingTo make the liver bigger and fatter.Cages are very small and they force the geese to stay in one position to avoid using energy, thus converting all food into fat.
Their legs were bloated from long standing everyday. No need to sleep because they will be caught to eat again.Although they try to defend themselves But it is useless. They are forced to eat until they are dead or their bodies cant stand with this The left who survive have crapped to be inflamed asses...blood easily come up with the shit Not only mouth hurt, throat hurt , all time stomach ache from the food , Fat to bloated legs , no sleep , no excercise But also no free movement for life to see the sky or river......

Did you feel anything...did you feel you heart twitch a little..Did you feel like this is something you'll have a hard time least I felt so.
The acts of animal cruelty for personal enjoyment aren't new.Canadian Seal huntings,dolphin slaughtering..the list goes on.Each one surpasses the other in terms of cruelty and barbarism.
Standing proudly at the top of the food chain,man is becoming more animal than any other.

Let me clarify I have no prejudice against any non-vegetarian.I am rational enough to understand that everyone of us has his own ideas of morality.There are lots of cultural,moral,ethical factors that makes or changes someone to veg/nonveg.My grievance is against those who doesnt care anything about from where their food comes.Eventhough I opine that no animal is entitled to provide its pound of flesh for our sake,I dont expect what I feel about eating a once-living being,to be felt by them.
But then there is a line that needs to be drawn(Like the case above).At some point you need to unprioritize your taste buds over conscience.

When the other living beings are treated like sacs of food or rather they are "manufactured",overfed just to increase the "matter" inside them theirby increasing their "Taste" value..wouldn't it sound obnoxious if we associate the quoted words with human beings?Would you be able to eat such food which was once living,whose innards have been carefully fattened to the size many folds than the original through all those abject means just so that it tastes better.

If you can, well....we need to fear from your lot.

For the rest of the sane people out there(non vegetarians included),something needs to be done against this.This is something which is not correct.This does not belong to our world.

Please raise your voice whenever the animals are being ill-treated as and when you can.For non-veggies please make sure that your meat comes from place where the animals are killed in a humane way.

And the bon vivants of this particular dish,please Take a min of contemplation before beginning your feast.Ask yourself had you winessed its preparation would you still be able to eat it.This savagery will stop only if you stop.

Lets keep the humanity intact atleast on this front.

Bon Appetit.Regards.

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